Nola is an AI based Happiness App - and its available to everyone for FREE

Nola has been designed by a team of Happiness Experts for our Users to have the most Happy (and therefore Healthy) Day possible. Nola is built on an AI platform, which flexes to where the User is on their personal Wellness Journey.

Unlike other Wellness Apps, all the features in Nola are available at no cost to the User.

We have had over 11,000 check-ins across 12 different countries, and we’ve learned what makes people Happy!!!

We believe happiness leads to healthiness. Here’s why.

Most of us want to be happy. We may even say that everything we're doing now is to be happier someday in the future. We want to be happy, but often we're not ...

When we feel unhappy or stressed for too long, we don't heaI or rest properly.

Eventually, we need to go to the doctor to treat symptoms, then we imagine that we can only be happy "once we're healthy again."

With Nola, we're just not buying that you have to be totally healthy before you can be happy. We wanted to find a way to make feeling good easy, so we developed an integrative Al-based wellness assistant.


What's possible with Nola?

People who are more optimistic or have a greater sense of purpose have at least a 20% reduced risk of developing major illnesses such as coronary heart disease and diabetes.

We believe you deserve to have a fulfilled life with wellness in your emotions, relationships, and social life. Then, happiness will lead to physical healthiness.

For the first time, the technology exists to make that kind of wellness available and doable right from your phone. It's like having a therapist, health coach, and dozens of other specialists right at your fingertips, listening and giving advice for your best life.

So, sign up for the app and join our happiness movement. That way, you can stop going through the motions in your day, and start thriving with happiness.

The How of Happiness

with Dr. Sonja Lyubomirsky

See behind-the-scenes of Nola with Dr. Sonja's work on happiness.


Research shows that sad or stressed people don't live as long and suffer from more diseases.

Don't miss the opportunities in your day to enjoy your life now - sign up for your personal happiness assistant.